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(See your AmigaDOS Imanual). This file will contain the required assignments for Professional JPage to work properly. You will need to edit your startup-sequence so that Jyour Amiga executes this file upon startup. To edit your startup-sequence, do the following: 8a. Open up a CLI or a Shell on your workbench partition. Jb. Type the command 'ed s:startup-sequence'. A window should open showing a listing of AmigaDOS commands. Dc. Using the scroll arrow keys, scroll to the bottom of the file and Elocate the command 'LoadWB' or 'EndCli >Nil:', whichever comes first. FPlace the cursor at the line and press return. An empty line should be opened up. =d. Scroll up to the empty line and type the command, 'execute Gs:ppagestartup'. Next, hit the 'Esc' key on the top left hand corner of Gyour keyboard, type 'x' and then hit the return. The 'Ed' window should Hdisappear. You will then have to reboot your computer for the changes to Dtake effect. Make sure that you remove any disks that may be in your drive before you reboot. IMPORTANT: HIf you have a Supra Hard Drive and/or controller, you will have to enter Ithe command 'Execute s:ppagestartup' before the line which reads 'Execute RAM:SYSAssignments'. NOTE: IThere have been reports of problems with the installation of Professional DPage when ARP (the AmigaDos Replacement Program) is installed on the Gsystem. This problem is particularly associated with early versions of JARP. If you know that you have an early version of ARP on your system and Ithe Professional Page installation utility fails, this may be the reason. Floppy Disk Installation: EProfessional Page may also be used on a floppy disk system. The only Cfunctional difference occurs when additional Compugraphic fonts are Gpurchased. With the additional fonts, Gold Disk provides a floppy disk Finstallation utility. The utility allows the user to keep Compugraphic (fonts on several different floppy disks. Button1 "l. Related Topics" Glossary HD install Installation Click here to cancel Button2 Related Topics Button3 Button4 Button5 Previous Button6 Note1 Drawing1 Button7 :2000hd.txt Amiga 2000 HD users click here "Editing Startup" Note1 Professional Page works with both Compugraphic fonts and Bitmap fonts and Bitmapped fonts "l. Related Topics" Compugraphic Fonts Glossary Installation Printing Click here to cancel Group1 Button1 Button2 Related Topics Button3 Button4 Button5 Button6 Previous "t. fonts" 8Professional Page currently supports two types of fonts: 3scalable Compugraphic fonts, and Bitmap Amigafonts. FThe bitmap fonts included with Professional Page correspond to the set Eof fonts usually installed in PostScript printers. These fonts are in Dthe Fonts: directory and will be displayed on the screen with jagged Aedges when scaled to larger point sizes. The jagged display will Faffect only the screen display and dot matrix printing. When printing =to a Postscript printer, the corresponding built-in fonts are substituted. FThe Compugraphic fonts are marked with a prefix '(CG)' in the typeface Crequester in Professional Page. These fonts scale smoothly to give Aaccurate screen representations and will produce high quality dot matrix output. "Fonts" Picture1 Ram Disk: Clouds_Cyan "t. Article Editor" ?The Article Editor a full-featured word processor packaged with FProfessional Page to help speed up text entry. Once you have installed CProfessional Page, you will be able to access the Article Editor by Cselecting the text tool, clicking in a text box, and then selecting "Article Editor from the type menu. IYou may spell check your document from within the Article Editor and save Inew words to the commonly used words in a user dictionary. To spell-check Ea document select "Spell-Check to end" from the commands menu. If any Hwords are found within your document which the spelling checker does not Hrecognize, a list will appear containing any alternative words which the Hdictionary comes up with. If the word is spelled correctly you may click Don 'Accept' or 'Accept and Remember'. Accept and Remember causes the Hspell checker to skip over all occurrances of the currently unrecognized word. HIf the currently unrecognized word is spelled correctly, you may save it Fto a user dictionary. The user dictionary contains a list of words not Gfound in the dictionary which comes with the spelling checker. You must Cload the user dictionary, by flipping back to the WorkBench screen,